Thursday, August 5, 2010

"Micropress" feature in the American Book Review

Includes: Action Books (Joyelle McSweeney and Johannes Göransson), Belladonna Books (Rachel Levitsky), BlazeVOX [books] (Geoffrey Gatza), Calamari Press (Derek White), Chiasmus Press (Lidia Yuknavitch), Counterpath Press (Julie Carr and Tim Roberts), Ellipsis Press (Eugene Lim), Fairy Tale Review Press (Kate Bernheimer), Les Figues Press (Vanessa Place and Teresa Carmody), Futurepoem (Dan Machlin), Mud Luscious Press (J. A. Tyler), Other Voices Books (Gina Frangello), Siglio Press (Lisa Pearson), and Slope Editions (Ethan Paquin).


Unfortunately that haven't made it available online, but the current issue of American Book Review features essays from several small presses ("micropresses," they've called it), including Ellipsis Press. Here's an excerpt from our statement:

Ellipsis Press: Like other micropresses, Ellipsis Press is taking advantage of cheaper production methods to promote works that succeed in making new forms in order to express something previously unexpressed, to expand the realm of the articulable. The truth is such literature has always been unprofitable, but as [Dalkey Archive publisher] O’Brien also wrote in 1996, “The purest form of American censorship is reducing books to their marketplace value.” Thankfully and importantly, a growing number of upstarts are taking a radical and only recently sustainable position: defining literary value independent of the dollar.